Thinking in ReactLynx

ReactLynx follows React's programming model, but leverages the dual-threaded runtimes provided by Lynx to achieve better performance and user experience through its own idioms (or rules).

Your code runs on two threads

When the component <HelloComponent /> is rendered, you will see "Hello" printed twice in the Console.

const HelloComponent = () => {
  console.log('Hello'); // This will be printed twice
  return <text>Hello</text>;

This happens because the code runs on two threads: main thread and background thread, which are part of Lynx's dual-threaded runtime.

  1. The main thread is responsible for rendering the initial screen and applying subsequent UI updates. This allows users to see the first screen as quickly as possible while reducing the main thread's workload.
  2. The background thread runs with a complete React runtime, handling component lifecycles and other side effects. Since complete consistency with single-threaded React is not possible, we have a modified component lifecycle as shown in Component Lifecycle.

Not all code can run on both threads

However, not all code can be executed on both threads. Consider the following example that adds a listener to GlobalEventEmitter:

const EventListenerComponent = () => {
  lynx.getJSModule('GlobalEventEmitter').addListener('myHappyEvent', () => {
    console.log('myHappyEvent triggered!');
  return <text>Hello</text>;

When the component <EventListenerComponent /> is rendered, you will see a "not a function" error. This occurs because while Lynx renders this component on both threads, lynx.getJSModule('GlobalEventEmitter') cannot be executed on the main thread.

❓ Why does this error occur?

The reason relates to Lynx's dual-threaded runtime architecture, where the code for <EventListenerComponent /> executes on both threads:

  • On the background thread:

    The lynx.getJSModule function is available as part of the Lynx GlobalEventEmitter API. Therefore, executing lynx.getJSModule('GlobalEventEmitter') works without issues.

  • On the main thread:

    The getJSModule function does not exist on the main thread. Thus, when this code executes on the main thread, lynx.getJSModule is evaluated as undefined, leading to the "not a function" error.

Some code can only run on the background thread

Typically, side effects unrelated to rendering cannot be executed on the main thread, such as data updates, event listeners, timers, and network requests. Executing these side effects on the main thread will result in runtime errors. We call code that only executes on the background thread background only code. By marking background only code, we help the compiler optimize code and prevent these side effects from executing on the main thread.

There are three key rules for background only code:

  1. Rule 1: Code that meets any of these conditions is considered background only.
  2. Rule 2: Background only code can only be used within other background only code.
  3. Rule 3: Code that is only used by background only code is considered background only.

Rule 1: Code that meets any of these conditions is considered background only

Lynx considers code that meets any of these conditions as background only:

  1. Event handlers (e.g. bindtap / catchtap)
  2. Effects (e.g. useEffect / useLayoutEffect)
  3. ref prop
  4. Functions with 'background only' directive
  5. Modules with import 'background-only' directive

For example, all these functions with console.log in the following example are considered background only. These functions will neither be bundled into main thread code nor executed on the main thread.

import { useEffect } from '@lynx-js/react';

function App() {
  useEffect(() => console.log('Effect is background only'));
  return (
    <view bindtap={(e) => console.log('Event is background only')}>
      <text ref={(ref) => console.log('Ref is background only')}>
        Hello, ReactLynx!

function backgroundOnly() {
  'background only';
  console.log('Directive marked function is background only');
import 'background-only';

export const env = NativeModules.env;
console.log('Directive marked module is background only');

Following this rule, we can see that the earlier <EventListenerComponent /> should move its GlobalEventEmitter usage into useEffect. This ensures this code only runs on the background thread where the GlobalEventEmitter API is available:

import { useEffect } from '@lynx-js/react';

const EventListenerComponent = () => {
  useEffect(() => {
    lynx.getJSModule('GlobalEventEmitter').addListener('myHappyEvent', () => {
      console.log('myHappyEvent triggered!');
  }, []);
  return <text>Hello</text>;

Rule 2: Background only code can only be used within other background only code

When dependencies are involved, things become more complicated. Simply put, background only code can only be called by other background only code.

import { backgroundOnlyFunction } from 'external-module';

backgroundOnlyFunction(); // ❌ Error: calling background only at top level

export function App() {
  function backgroundOnly() {
    'background only';
    backgroundOnlyFunction(); // ✅ Correct: calling background only API inside background only function

  backgroundOnly(); // ❌ Error: calling background only code in render function

  useEffect(() => {
    backgroundOnly(); // ✅ Correct: calling background only code from background only code
  }, []);

  return <view />;

Rule 3: Code that is only used by background only code is considered background only

Usually, event callbacks of elements are considered background only. handleTap doesn't need the 'background only' directive but will be considered background only code because it's only used as a handler in the bindtap event.

function App() {
  function handleTap() {
    // No need to mark this function since `bindtap` is considered background only
  return <view bindtap={handleTap} />;

The backgroundOnly function will also be considered background only because it's only called in the useEffect callback.

function App() {
  function backgroundOnly() {
    // No need to mark this function
    // since `useEffect` is considered background only
    // `backgroundOnly` will be identified as unused and removed by the optimizer
  useEffect(() => {
  return <view />;


Due to limitations in compiler analysis capabilities and compile-time performance, there are some exceptions to this rule. We will work to address these issues in future versions.

When event handlers are passed as props, you must add the 'background only' directive. Otherwise, the compiler cannot identify handleTap as background only code and will include it in the main thread bundle:

function App() {
  function handleTap() {
    'background only';
    // Unfortunately, you must mark event callbacks here
  return <Button onClick={handleTap} />;

function Button({ onClick }) {
  return <view bindtap={onClick} />;

When using custom Hooks, you must add the 'background only' directive. Otherwise, backgroundOnly will be treated as non-background only code and included in the main thread bundle. This occurs because the compiler cannot determine if the callback of useMount is only used in background only code.

function useMount(effect) {
  useEffect(() => {
  }, []);

function App() {
  function backgroundOnly() {
    // No need to mark this function
    // since `backgroundOnly` is only used in `useMount` callback
  useMount(() => {
    'background only';
    // You need to mark this function
  return <view />;

Some code can only run on the main thread

Just as some code (like GlobalEventEmitter) only works on the background thread, there is also code that can only be executed on the main thread.

Main Thread Script

Main Thread Script (MTS) is script executed on the main thread.

function toRed(event) {
  'main thread';
  event.currentTarget.setStyleProperty('background-color', 'red');

For more details about MTS, including usage examples and best practices for handling animations and gestures on the main thread, please refer to Main Thread Script.

Element PAPIs

Lynx Engine also provides low-level APIs called Element PAPI.

Usually, Element PAPI calls are compiled by ReactLynx and you should not need to write any Element PAPI code.

Except as otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache License 2.0.