Build Profiling

Performing a performance analysis can help you identify performance bottlenecks in your project, allowing for targeted optimization.

Using Rsdoctor

Rsdoctor is a build analyser that can visually display the compilation time of each loaders and plugins.

Please refer to Use Rsdoctor for more information.

Node.js Profiling

When Rspeedy executes a build, you can use Node.js profiling to analyze the JavaScript execution, which helps to identify performance bottlenecks.

For example, to perform the CPU profiling analysis, run the following command in the root directory of your project:

node --cpu-prof ./node_modules/@lynx-js/rspeedy/bin/rspeedy.js dev

# build
node --cpu-prof ./node_modules/@lynx-js/rspeedy/bin/rspeedy.js build

The above commands will generate a *.cpuprofile file. We can use speedscope to visualize this file:

# Install speedscope
npm install -g speedscope

# View cpuprofile content
# Replace the name with the local file name

Rspack profiling

Rspeedy supports the use of the RSPACK_PROFILE environment variable for Rspack build performance profiling.

# dev

# build
RSPACK_PROFILE=ALL rspeedy build

This command will generate a rspack-profile-${timestamp} folder in the dist folder, and it will contain logging.json, trace.json and jscpuprofile.json files:

  • trace.json: The time spent on each phase of the Rust side is recorded at a granular level using tracing and can be viewed using
  • jscpuprofile.json: The time spent at each stage on the JavaScript side is recorded at a granular level using Node.js inspector and can be viewed using
  • logging.json: Includes some logging information that keeps a coarse-grained record of how long each phase of the build took. (Not supported in development environment yet)

For more information about Rspack build performance analysis usage, please refer to Rspack - Profiling.

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