Output Files

This chapter will introduces the directory structure of output files and how to control the output directory of different types of files.

Default Directory Structure

The following is a basic directory for output files. By default, the compiled files will be output in the dist directory of current project.


In production, the dist/ directory contains all the files that need to be deployed.

├── [name].lynx.bundle
├── async
│   └── [name].lynx.bundle
└── static
    ├── image
    │   └── [name].[hash].png
    ├── svg
    │   └── [name].[hash].svg
    └── js
        ├── [id].[hash].js
        │   └── async
        │       └── [id].[hash].js
        └── lib-preact.[hash].js

The most common output files are Bundle files, JS files and static assets:

  • Bundle files([name].lynx.bundle), which can be configured with output.filename.bundle.
  • Async(lazy) bundle files(async/[name].lynx.bundle).
  • JS files(static/js/*.js), which can be configured with output.distPath.js and output.filename.js.
  • Static assets(static/{font,image,media,svg}) directory.

In the filename, [name] is the entry name corresponding to this file, such as index, main. [hash] is the hash value generated based on the content of the file. [id] is the internal chunk ID of Rspack.


In development, an dist/.rspeedy directory is emitted which contains the resources for debugging.

├── .rspeedy
│   ├── async
│   │   └── [name]
│   │       ├── debug-info.json
│   │       ├── tasm.json
│   │       └── [name].css
│   ├── [name]
│   │   ├── background.js
│   │   ├── background.js.map
│   │   ├── debug-info.json
│   │   ├── [name].css
│   │   ├── main-thread.js
│   │   ├── main-thread.js.map
│   │   └── tasm.json
│   └── rspeedy.config.js
├── [name].lynx.bundle
└── static
    ├── image
    │   ├── [name].[hash].png
    │   └── [name].[hash].svg
    └── js
        ├── [id].[hash].js
        │   └── async
        │       ├── [id].[hash].js
        │       └── [id].[hash].js.map
        ├── lib-preact.[hash].js
        └── lib-preact.[hash].js.map

In addition, Rspeedy generates some extra files in development:

  • Background Thread Script(BTS): The background script file that is inlined into the bundle, default output to .rspeedy/[name]/background.js.
  • MainThread Thread Script(MTS): The main-thread script file that is inlined into the bundle, default output to .rspeedy/[name]/main-thread.js.
  • Source Map files: contains the source code mappings, which is output to the same level directory of JS files and adds a .map suffix.

Modify the Directory

Rspeedy provides some configs to modify the directory or filename, you can:

Flatten the Directory

Sometimes you don't want the dist directory to have too many levels, you can set the directory to an empty string to flatten the generated directory.

See the example below:

import { defineConfig } from '@lynx-js/rspeedy';

export default defineConfig({
  output: {
    distPath: {
      js: '',
    filename: {
      bundle: '[name].lynx.bundle',

The above config produces the following directory structure:

├── [id].[hash].js
├── [id].[hash].js.map
└── [name].lynx.bundle
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