The Layers panel helps you understand the composition of Lynx pages and how the framework presents content, analyzing its 3D layers to discover rendering issues.
Use the Layers panel to perform the following operations:
To open the Layers panel, follow these steps:
Or, select the More options in the upper right corner -> More tools -> Layers.
The leftmost part of the Layers panel lists all the rendered layers of the Lynx page in an expandable tree. This tree structure is updated as the mobile Lynx page is updated. Layers are identified by their CSS selector or a number (followed by the layer size in pixels).
Hover the mouse over a layer to highlight it on the Lynx page preview window. A tooltip will be displayed on the page preview, which contains the following information:
Click on a layer to view more information in the Details pane.
Depending on the layer, the following information will be displayed:
The following figure shows the stacking and arrangement of the layers of this Lynx page.
To move the chart, do the following:
To view the element corresponding to the layer in the Elements panel, right-click on the corresponding layer in the chart or layer tree, and then click Reveal in Elements panel.