Home > @lynx-js/rspeedy > ChunkSplit > override

ChunkSplit.override property

Custom Rspack chunk splitting config can be specified.


override?: Rspack.Configuration extends {
        optimization?: {
            splitChunks?: infer P;
        } | undefined;
    } ? P : never;


  • Split @lynx-js/react and react-router into chunk lib-react.
import { defineConfig } from '@lynx-js/rspeedy'

export default defineConfig({
  performance: {
    chunkSplit: {
      strategy: 'split-by-experience',
      override: {
        cacheGroups: {
          react: {
            test: /node_modules[\\/](@lynx-js[\\/]react|react-router)[\\/]/,
            name: 'lib-react',
            chunks: 'all',
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