react / withInitDataInState

Function: withInitDataInState()

function withInitDataInState<P, S>(App: ComponentClass<P, S>): ComponentClass<P, S>

Higher-Order Component (HOC) that injects initData into the state of the given class component.

This HOC checks if the provided component is a class component. If it is, it wraps the component and injects the initData into its state. It also adds a listener to update the state when data changes, and removes the listener when the component unmounts.

Type Parameters

Type Parameter Description
P The type of the props of the wrapped component.
S The type of the state of the wrapped component.


Parameter Type Description
App ComponentClass<P, S> The class component to be wrapped by the HOC.


ComponentClass<P, S>

The original component if it is not a class component, otherwise a new class component with initData injection and state update functionality.


class App extends React.Component<MyProps, MyState> {
  // component implementation

export default withInitDataInState(App);

Defined in


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