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Dev.writeToDisk property

Used to control whether the build artifacts of the development environment are written to the disk.


writeToDisk?: boolean | ((filename: string) => boolean) | undefined;


This is bypassed to `webpack-dev-middleware`.

Setting writeToDisk: true won't change the behavior of the webpack-dev-middleware, and bundle files accessed through the browser will still be served from memory.

This option also accepts a Function value, which can be used to filter which files are written to disk.

The function follows the same premise as Array#filter in which a return value of false will not write the file, and a return value of true will write the file to disk.


// lynx.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from '@lynx-js/rspeedy'
export default defineConfig({
  dev: {
    writeToDisk: (filePath) => /superman\.css$/.test(filePath),
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