Home > @lynx-js/rspeedy > Output
The Output option is used to set how and where should the bundles and assets output.
Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
assetPrefix? | string | undefined | (Optional) The Output.assetPrefix is used to set the URL prefix for static assets. | |
cleanDistPath? | boolean | undefined | (Optional) The Output.cleanDistPath option determines whether all files in the output directory (default: dist) are removed before the build starts. | |
copy? | Rspack.CopyRspackPluginOptions | Rspack.CopyRspackPluginOptions['patterns'] | undefined | (Optional) The Output.copy option is used for copying files to the dist directory. | |
cssModules? | CssModules | undefined | (Optional) The CssModules option is used for the customization of CSS Modules configurations. | |
dataUriLimit? | number | undefined | (Optional) The Output.dataUriLimit option is used to set the size threshold to inline static assets such as images and fonts. | |
distPath? | DistPath | undefined | (Optional) Set the directory of the dist files. | |
filename? | string | Filename | undefined | (Optional) The Filename determines the name of the JavaScript bundle file to be output. These bundles will be written to the directory specified by output.path. | |
filenameHash? | boolean | string | undefined | (Optional) The Output.filenameHash option controls whether to add a hash value to the filename after the production build. | |
legalComments? | 'none' | 'inline' | 'linked' | undefined | (Optional) The Output.legalComments controls how to handle the legal comment. | |
minify? | Minify | boolean | undefined | (Optional) The Minify configures whether to enable code minification in the production build, or to configure minimizer options. | |
sourceMap? | boolean | SourceMap | undefined | (Optional) The SourceMap configures whether and how to generate source-map for outputs. |