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Filename interface

The Filename determines the name of the JavaScript bundle file to be output. These bundles will be written to the directory specified by output.path.


export interface Filename


If a string is provided, it will be used as Filename.bundle.


Property Modifiers Type Description
bundle? string | undefined (Optional) The name of the bundle files.
css? string | undefined (Optional) The name of the CSS files.
font? string | undefined (Optional) The name of the font files.
image? string | undefined (Optional) The name of non-SVG images.
js? string | undefined (Optional) The name of the JavaScript files.
media? string | undefined (Optional) The name of media assets, such as video.
svg? string | undefined (Optional) The name of the SVG images.
template? string | undefined (Optional) The name of the template files.
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