Home > @lynx-js/rspeedy > ExposedAPI

ExposedAPI interface

The exposed API of Rspeedy. Can be used in Rsbuild plugin with api.useExposed.


export interface ExposedAPI


import type { ExposedAPI } from '@lynx-js/rspeedy'
const RsbuildPlugin = {
  name: 'my-rsbuild-plugin',
  pre: ['lynx:rsbuild:plugin-api'],
  setup(api) {
    const rspeedyAPI = api.useExposed<ExposedAPI>(Symbol.for('rspeedy.api'))


Property Modifiers Type Description
config Config The user config.
debug (message: string | (() => string)) => void Print debug logs.
exit (code?: number) => Promise<void> | void Exit the process.
logger typeof logger Get the Rspeedy logger.
version string The version of Rspeedy.
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