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CssModules.auto property

The auto option allows CSS modules to be automatically enabled based on their filenames.


auto?: boolean | RegExp | ((filename: string) => boolean) | undefined;


Given the various auto values, the behavior is described as follows:

  • true: enable CSS modules for all files matching /\.module\.\w+$/i.test(filename) RegExp.

  • false: disable CSS modules.

  • RegExp: enable CSS modules for all files matching the auto.test(filename) RegExp.

  • function: enable CSS modules based on the filter function.

See css-loader#auto for details.


Enable CSS module for *.module.css and shared/*.css:

import { defineConfig } from '@lynx-js/rspeedy'
export default defineConfig({
  output: {
    cssModules: {
      auto: (filename) => {
        return filename.includes('.module.') || filename.includes('shared/')
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