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rspeedy package

The document contains all the configurations of the @lynx-js/rspeedy package.


Use lynx.config.ts with defineConfig() to get better TypeScript intellisense.

import { defineConfig } from '@lynx-js/rspeedy'
export default defineConfig({
  entry: './src/index.tsx',


Function Description
createRspeedy({ cwd, rspeedyConfig }) The createRspeedy method can let you create a Rspeedy instance and you can customize the build or development process in Node.js Runtime.
defineConfig(config) The defineConfig method is a helper function used to get TypeScript intellisense.
loadConfig(loadConfigOptions) Load the build config by the config path.


Interface Description
ChunkSplit Performance.chunkSplit is used to configure the chunk splitting strategy.
ChunkSplitBySize Performance.chunkSplit is used to configure the chunk splitting strategy.
ChunkSplitCustom Performance.chunkSplit is used to configure the chunk splitting strategy.
Config The Config is the configuration that rspeedy uses.
CreateRspeedyOptions The options of createRspeedy method.
CssExtract The CssExtract controls the options of CssExtractRspackPlugin
CssExtractRspackLoaderOptions The options of CSS extract loader.
CssExtractRspackPluginOptions The options for
CssLoader The CssLoader controls the options of css-loader.
CssLoaderModules The cssLoader.modules option enables/disables the CSS Modules specification and setup basic behavior.
CssModules The CssModules option is used for the customization of CSS Modules configurations.
Decorators Used to configure the decorators syntax.
Dev The Dev option is used to control the behavior related with development. Including: HMR, DevServer, etc.
DevClient Configuration of the development client.
DistPath Set the directory of the dist files.
EntryDescription The EntryDescription describes a entry. It is useful when the project has multiple entries with different configuration.
ExposedAPI The exposed API of Rspeedy. Can be used in Rsbuild plugin with api.useExposed.
Filename The Filename determines the name of the JavaScript bundle file to be output. These bundles will be written to the directory specified by output.path.
LoadConfigOptions The options of loadConfig.
LoadConfigResult The result of loadConfig().
Minify The Minify configures whether to enable code minification in the production build, or to configure minimizer options.
Output The Output option is used to set how and where should the bundles and assets output.
Performance The Performance option is used to
Server The Server option changes the behavior of dev-server.
Source The Source option changes the behavior of source files.
SourceMap The SourceMap configures whether and how to generate source-map for outputs.
Tools The Tools options changes the behavior of various building tools.
TransformImport The TransformImport option transforms the import paths to enable modular imports from subpaths of third-party packages, similar to the functionality provided by babel-plugin-import.


Variable Description

Type Aliases

Type Alias Description
ConsoleType The type of the console method.
CssModuleLocalsConvention The style of exported class names.
Entry The Entry option is used to set the entry module.
RspeedyInstance The instance of Rspeedy.
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