Home > @lynx-js/rspeedy > Source
The Source option changes the behavior of source files.
Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
alias? | Record<string, string | false | string[]> | undefined | (Optional) Create aliases to import or require certain modules more easily. | |
assetsInclude? | Rspack.RuleSetCondition | undefined | (Optional) Include additional files that should be treated as static assets. Defaults to be undefined. | |
decorators? | Decorators | undefined | (Optional) Used to configure the decorators syntax. | |
define? | Record<string, string | number | boolean | undefined | Record<string, unknown>> | undefined | (Optional) The define options is used to define some values or expressions at compile time. | |
entry? | Entry | undefined | (Optional) The Entry option is used to set the entry module. | |
exclude? | Rspack.RuleSetCondition[] | undefined | (Optional) The source.exclude is used to specify JavaScript files that should be excluded from compilation. | |
include? | Rspack.RuleSetCondition[] | undefined | (Optional) The source.include is used to specify additional JavaScript files that need to be compiled. | |
transformImport? | TransformImport[] | undefined | (Optional) The TransformImport option transforms the import paths to enable modular imports from subpaths of third-party packages, similar to the functionality provided by babel-plugin-import. | |
tsconfigPath? | string | undefined | (Optional) Configure a custom tsconfig.json file path to use, can be a relative or absolute path. Defaults to be ./tsconfig.json. |